Oct 31, 2018
Vans Vision Walk
Vans has been doing a series of Vision Walks, photo workshops led by some of their favorite photographers all over the world... and I was fortunate enough to be selected to lead a walk in Los Angeles. I spent the day walking two speparate groups of about 30 people each around Chinatown. The first group consisted of strictly college students... with majors ranging from photography to physics. The second group was comprised of the general public... some of which had their dreams set on being a professional photographer, and others just joining in to explore an area of creativity different from their own. It was cool to bring such a diverse group of people together and share my point of view. With cameras in hand we cruised strolled the streets of Chinatown snapping photos along the way. Afterwards everyone came together and printed some of their favorite shots from the walk... it's always amazing to see the difference of persepctives captured when a group of people are shooting the same location. This event left me wanting to host more workshops in the future. If you might be intersted in attending one, shoot me an e-mail at laura@lauraaustinphoto.com.
Juxtapoz came along and filmed the video above... you can check out the full interview here as well as more photos from the day. Some of my shots from the walk below...