Los Angeles gets a bad rap. To an outsider, this sprawling city filled with more people than trees may seem like a strange place for a nature-lover to live. But my favorite thing about this city is it’s proximity to so many amazing and diverse places… one of those being the ever-so-magical Big Sur, California.

In a mere 5 hours in the car, driving along some of the most beautiful coastline you’ve ever seen… you arrive in Big Sur. With an incredibly dramatic rocky coastline edged up to dense forests filled with giant redwood trees it creates a very special environment… making this area my favorite place to escape to when I am in need of a breath of fresh air from the city.

Me and my main man Tyler Wells cruised up for a long weekend of exploring. While in Big Sur we stayed at Treebones, a collection of small yurts tucked into a hillside overlooking the ocean. Big Sur is charming enough on it’s own, but add a yurt to the mix and it makes the experience that much more surreal.

After a day or two in Big Sur we decided to continue the adventure further north up to the woods above Santa Cruz to an area called Felton. There we stayed in a cabin and went on a rainy but beautifully misty hike through groves of redwood trees.

And afterwards we b-lined it back to Los Angeles, making a pit stop at Shelter Social Club’s Alamo Motel in Los Alamos, and ending back in the city. It always feels a little strange to return to Los Angeles after a trip like this. But I love it, in life you need contrasts in order to prevent things from feeling too mundane.